Featured Projects

Personal Projects

For the technical details, check out my GitHub portfolio!

Fundraising AI Utility Suite

  • Designed a refined grant-writing process enabled by a custom GPT model.
  • Apollo Lead-Generation and Enrichment
  • ReactJS Web-app with Flask Backend

ESD Diagnosis AI

  • Analyzed a UC Irvine Skin Disease Dataset
  • Compared SVM, nearest-neighbor, neural network, & gradient-boosting algorithms.
  • Performed PCA and hyperparameter tuning to achieve >99% validation accuracy.

Ukraine Mental Help Consultation: Project Lead

I led a team of six analysts during a three-month strategic consultation for Ukraine Mental Help, a Kyiv-based nonprofit, during which I redesigned their website, performed SEO, and analyzed and improved their donor and patient outreach language, achieving a 79% increase in digital engagement.

To learn more about UA Mental Help and their mission, follow the link below.

Other Projects

Here are some of the other projects that I’ve done over the years, some more substantial than others:

  1. Options-Viz: A tool that I created while my close friend Saketh and I were learning about various option spreads and strategies. Uses MatPlotLib to graph summed profit curves given a set of stock and options orders.
  2. Comprehensive Care App: A mobile application for geriatric patients that my UI/UX course group and I prototyped and tested for our term project. Features an AI chatbot, telehealth integration, and a medication management system.
  3. Board Games: A collection of simple games that I’ve developed over the course of various CS courses, including Chess, Minesweeper, Cribbage, and Connect-4. They feature AI players of varying difficulties.
  4. Personal Website: A static website created in an XAMPP WordPress development server and hosted on GitHub pages.
  5. Current Projects (as of January 2024):
    • Machine Learning for Financial Markets – A collaboration with Georgia Tech’s Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) program.
    • Recommender Systems – formal research with Professor Divya Mahajan.